Petition to Patricia Holtke

Remove Representative Adam Kinzinger from office in Illinois

Remove Representative Adam Kinzinger from office in Illinois
1,2K view

We the people of Illinois do nearby demand the removal of Adam Kinzinger from the position of representative of the 16th congressional district. He publicly announced shortly after the 2020 presidential election that President Trump accept the results of the election. He does not at all represent Republicans in this district. He needs to be removed from office and replaced with a true Republican and patriot.

January 7, 2021

58 Supporters

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Letter to
citizen, Patricia Holtke

Remove Representative Adam Kinzinger from office in Illinois


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Patricia Holtke start this petition
4 years ago

1 Comment

Mary Poulos
Mary Poulos

Kinzinger wants to run for governor of Illinois. Another never Trumper whom only cares for himself. True rino!

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58 Supporters
4,942 needed to reach 5,000
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